We’re not seeking to reinvent filmmaking or journalism.
We’re simply trying to go back to the profession’s – more noble – roots.
Our Philosophy – Walking a very thin line
At THIN LINE Productions, we don’t believe in the “hit and run” approach. We regularly operate in countries where foreign media is not necessarily welcome. This requires patience and a certain understanding of the thin (red) lines one can – or should not – cross. THIN LINE actually sees filmmaking and journalism as a long journey on a thin line. How can a journalist, a documentary filmmaker possibly please both his source and the audience? How can he respect the two at the same time?
Many filmmakers nowadays arrive with pre-written scenarios and direct their interviews to fill the blanks. That gives very little room for changes in story angles and, in the end, very little room for interesting stories. It also creates substantial “collateral damage,” with more and more interviewees feeling “robbed” (quotes taken out of context, etc.)
THIN LINE is a totally independent media company. We work differently. We’re not under outside pressure to define our themes. First we listen; then we choose a story angle; and finally we report – as accurately as possible.
We usually give the priority to stories that go counter general public opinion, because they widen the debate rather than making it dry. We hate binary thinking which divides the world in black or white… We find it much more interesting to shed a different light on events or people, looking for something the audience doesn’t already know.
Like all media companies, of course, we have to make the story understandable for the wide audience. But we don’t want to oversimplify it. We think the public is not a brainless bird – mature enough to judge for itself.
At THIN LINE, finally, we like to think that accurate & informative reporting can be entertaining as well. After all it’s clichés and preconceptions that are the least funny.
Behind THIN LINE Productions
Marc Wolfensberger (1971) founded THIN LINE in 2008, after eight years with leading business news agency Bloomberg News.
A financial, energy and government reporter for the agency, he opened Bloomberg News’ first bureau in Iran, which he managed from 2005-2007.
Prior to that, Marc was a Central Asia correspondent for a series of European media (TV, radio & print). He reported from countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Central Asian Republics, South Caucasus, Mongolia and Russia.
Marc graduated in economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. He speaks five languages, including decent Russian and Farsi. One-page CV (in English) / CV en français / Radio interview (français)
Far from being a one-man show, THIN LINE works with a team of reputed cameramen, soundmen and editors. The minimum common denominator among them is a similar vision of where filmmaking and journalism should head.

Marc Wolfensberger
Founder & Director